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Hi, I'm Jackson

I'm a UVU student finishing my last year in an Integrated Studies degree. Currently, I work as a journailst for the UVU Review.

Previously, I co-founded Skillco. Now, I'm working on manufacturing commuter bikes.

Contact info:


Being a Journalist for a Semester

2024-12-01 | My expereince as a reporter at the UVU Review

Skillco, The university-sponsored startup that made college worth it

2023-3-19 | Building Skillco.net with Steve

Rebuilding a Honda Dirt Bike from 1984

2022-10-26 | Started a project rebuilding a then switched to an electric bike

My Summer internship at TazWorks

2019-5-27 | Moving to Utah for the summer to work for the marketing team at a background check company.

Learning programming and engineering in Arizona

2016-2020 | Documenting the Arduino and Raspberry Pi projects I built growing up